Monday, June 15, 2015

three + no longer two

 my little two year old, asleep the night before her birthday.

 birthday pancake, and candles to blow out too!

a pedicure for these mini toes, she picked out her own color

this sweet little face loves her scooter.

her first haircut at age 3. she was so good, sucking on her peppermint drop. for a month, i've been asking her if she wanted her hair cut long (a trim) or short (a bob), she was going back and forth, but finally whispered "short" at the salon. (love that she and scarlett are making the same face) 

daddy finally came home from work!

amelia's first theater movie- cinderella! she also had 2 buckets of popcorn for dinner and lemonade in her sippy. (aka THE best night of her life).

but for real, she had mac 'n cheese from noodles & co, but only a few bites before she told me she was going to puke of course.

amelia started to really understand the concept of fun surrounding birthdays right after she turned two. she watched her cousins, friends, parents, grandparents get cake, presents, parties on their big day and COULD NOT wait for hers.

I knew it just had to be a big deal for her.

millie girl is so independent these days: she
-puts on her own saltwater sandals,
-climbs into her own carseat, gets her arms through the the belts + buckles the chest clip,
-dresses and undresses herself,
-picks out her own outfits for the day and pajamas for the night. she doesn't like to match (this is not an opinion; her pajamas are literally always mismatched),
-bathes + scrubs herself (we rinse),
-can tell me what letter a word starts with,
-will kiss you and say "i love you so, i eat you up" if you pretend to be asleep on her,
-memorizes songs like it's no big deal,
-helps calm and soothe scarlett,
-helps me put the dishes away, switches loads of laundry, cleans up her own messes, helps me fold her pants and shirts, changes her own sheets,
-potty-trained day & night + hasn't had an accident in such a long time (since she started changing her own sheets and washing out her own underwear, knock on wood),
-doesn't suck her thumb anymore,
-loves loves loves daniel tiger,
-negotiates like there's no tomorrow,
-doesn't like to be called "amelia bodtcher" because she's "just millie,"
-loves sunday pancakes, sacrament meeting, but not nursery,
-adores her bike, soccer ball, water fights, swimming, dressing up, baking + adventures.

her naps are getting shorter and she is still sneaking into our room in the middle of the night.
everyone always comments on how smart and sweet she is.
she is strong-willed and determined.
she is so so kind and just growing into such a wonderful child.
she is simply the light of our lives.

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