Thursday, July 30, 2015

scarlett: 7 months old

This girl has her two bottom teeth. She happily eats avocados, carrots, broccoli, and we just started strawberries. She eats three meals a day and in large quantities; I'm always wondering if she's going to puke. Like, she eats 4 baby carrots, a quarter of an avocado, a handful of cheerios, and still nurses after! It's crazy! Nurses about 6-7 times a day (plus her sometimes 2 night feedings). I can definitely tell she's weaned herself since solids. I'm guessing she weighs ~16 pounds. Does not take a bottle, so we'll probably have to donate tons of milk to the NICU...

Still has a strict 8 pm bedtime, has dropped her 11 pm feeding, but varies on whether she'll call for her 2 am and 5 am feedings/comfort. Luckily she goes right back to sleeping until about 6:30. Takes 2-3 naps a day, ranging from 30-60 minutes.

Rolling and scooting, so close to crawling, but not quite there yet. Should probably move up to size 3 diapers with that bodacious booty, but we're finishing up our box of size 2's. 6 month clothes are starting to fit snugly. Everyone has been commenting on her hair coming in this month, and they say it looks lighter than Amelia's. Blows her lips constantly and will yell if a toy is taken away from her. Will stare strangers down until they make contact to give them the biggest gummy grin ever. Loves to smile with her tongue. Becoming less vary of other people holding her. Still lets us know how much she despises her car seat. Is so curious about how the world works. Turns when her name is called and waves when he's happy and leads when music is playing.

Loves her daddy and always stares and smiles when he's around.
Loves to play with anything her sister has: blocks, trucks, babies, play food, etc.
Loves songs, walks, when mama makes an evil cackle, balancing in the air with dad, and "row your boat" with Amelia.

It is my absolute favorite when she falls asleep on me and lets me kiss her chubby checks. Or when she falls asleep while nursing, but still holds on to my finger (and my heart).

We love you, Scarlett Anne! Can't believe you're closer to being a one year old than a newborn babe now!

Amelia loves to call her sister, "Scarlett Anne!" or "Scarlett Macaw" (we met one at the aquarium and thought it was the cutest nickname and it sort of stuck!) These two tattle on each other all day long and sometimes that's a recipe for pure exhaustion. But some days are pure magic, and I'm grateful I get to watch their relationship. I'm hoping and betting it just gets better and better as they grow.

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