Monday, September 14, 2015


Scarlett and I spent sacrament "churchin' it in the foyer" and mother's room, like most Sundays. I've been feeling a bit down because I spend plenty of my three hours in the hall with an upset baby who just wants her nap, and then we go home and my toddler acts really sensitive because we skipped her nap and Sundays are kind of a rough go for us. I've been questioning my testimony. It's been strange because my testimony and relationship with Heavenly Father felt rock-solid and unwavering, especially in times are hardship ("when it gets too hard to stand, kneel," right?). As a convert, I haven't really plateaued in my spiritual growth in so long. I remember when I use to read the Book of Mormon out loud to Amelia daily, and felt so much guilt that I haven't even cracked open my scriptures outside of church since Scarlett was born (nope, not even for the 90 day challenge that I helped kicked off as part of the relief society committee). Jeremy's testimony is unwavering and at times it can be intimidating. I shared with him my concerns, and we agreed to started reading together (like we did when I started investigating in the church). Honestly, I didn't feel too much of a difference, until I read this article and received revelation that it's going to be okay. My testimony doesn't currently feel bright and shiny and bursting, but it's still here. And so is my Heavenly Father, and it's going to be okay.

The Adamsons spoke and I got to hear part of Shar's talk on commandments. Another little prompting that I need to take Family Home Evening more seriously. Does anyone have any ideas on FHE for young families for me?

1 comment:

  1. Love you, friend. I'm no expert on fhe, but we're starting to take the nursery manual and just repeat what Will learned the day before- hoping more repetition will help to cement things. And, of course, we always talk about not hitting.... We just keep it super short with a song, prayer, 2 minute lesson and then we play and have a treat.
