Sunday, July 10, 2011

every point defines to light and life and endless day

sometimes I wish I had a photographic memory.

but on days like this I have to blog to help me remember.

when you think of gardens in the bible, the two most likely to come to mind are Eden and Gethsemane. I love hearing stories of the garden of gethsemane, where Christ bled for us and suffered for us, as a mortal. He felt every pain we could ever feel in our lifetime so we could be sinless.

I'm grateful for the atonement and how it fits into the eternal plan. I am grateful for how much closer and personable our Savior seems because of it. I'm grateful for it's infiniteness and it's comfort.

"Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy."

the fall of man happened in Eden
and in Gethsemane, our sins were suffered for.

can you even begin to imagine the atoning for every living thing in all worlds, throughout all of time?

I love sundays. :)

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