Monday, July 29, 2013

Motherhood has been good to me. I have been feeling so blessed for my baby, so blessed that she chose us to be her parents. I spend most of my free time looking through her pictures from the last 14 months, unable to fathom how she has grown so quickly. Was she always this loud, curious, full of personality? Was she always this sweet? This helpful?

Gosh, she's learning so much and so quickly. She understands cause and effect. She understands "uh oh!" as a warning, and "just a minute!" when I need her to wait. She shows you her moves when she hears music. She smiles and waves often. Sometimes I just squeeze her; I love her so much I can hardly contain it.

I believe that Heavenly Father teaches us and guides us in subtle ways. And though we may feel heartache, we are able to learn important lessons, such as patience. I am grateful that I have my sweet baby to hold and to love and to nurture. I am grateful that we both have healthy bodies and I can continue to breastfeed for as long as we choose. I am grateful for my husband, who receives revelations for our family. In general, I just feel blessed for my knowledge of the gospel and understanding that Heavenly Father loves me.

Motherhood has been so good to me.

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