Monday, November 28, 2016


dear babe,
if i'm being honest, this week has been pretty difficult. the nausea has set in and we're puking multiple times every day. i'm so hungry, but simultaneously so hesitant to eat from fear of vomiting again. i'm riding on the hope that: this too shall pass, and i'll have a wonderful gift at the end: you. thanksgiving just passed and christmas is on its way; the holidays are another reminder of why i'm so grateful to be a mother. cheers to these wonderful years that i get to keep you babies close; i try so hard to hold on them them, even through the tantrums, the drama, the puking. something tells me that these are the moments that will define my life, my motherhood; and i'm trying not to let them pass me by. my baby app tells me you're the size of a raspberry, growing in my orange-sized uterus. there's definitely room for you to grow, but i think it's almost time for me to switch over to maternity jeans. my heart yearns for me to hold you and meet you, but my patience has grown with experience-- i feel steady and unrushed to grow you until the time is right. i'm sure next summer will be unforgettable.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Congratulations sweet friend! I have neglected blogs for too long and came to catch up... What sweet news. So happy for you!!! xoxo
