Wednesday, January 16, 2013

little things

to become a nurse, you have to take a licensing exam called the NCLEX when you graduate.
to ensure high pass rates for their students, the U requires that you pass the predictor test before they let you graduate.
two tries, you get.
I was so nervous about this.
obviously I studied my butt off. and obviously kept failing at the practice exams.
anyway long story short,
we took the predictor test today,
and I passed.
amazing right?
I can hardly believe it.

so Jeremy and I go out to china chefs to celebrate.
usually it's dead, so we're covered since we kinda have a loud baby.
then another couple comes in with their loud baby and they sit across the booth from us.
Amelia talks loudly over to him a lot. and he talks back.

our waitress is a little wacko,
asks what I'm feeding amelia.
I say: broccoli
Waitress: oh, really? she looks too little! broccoli makes her gassy, you know?
Jeremy: well we haven't had any problems with it so far...
Waitress: yeah, you should really watch out for that gas and constipation, she's just so little
Me: well, she's seven months old, and we haven't had a problem with broccoli.
Waitress: well, maybe you should try mixing it with some apple juice or something? I mean, how old is she?
Me: 7 months
Waitress: well yeah, maybe you should try some green beans or something, so she's not so constipated.

so we just stare at her, and she moves on to the other trio.

Waitress: oh, are you feeding him green beans? so healthy!
Mom: no, green beans are green... we're feeding him sweet potato.

Jeremy and I are dying.

it's the little things that make life amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man. Maybe she would like to offer to breastfeed your child for you, too. And get her to sleep at night. It rubs me the wrong way when people tell me weird stuff like that! Haha stressful. Can't stand it. Congrats on passing your predictor test, that's awesome!
