Wednesday, April 9, 2014

let's talk real life.


I've been wanting another baby for a long time. Like, craving, crying, praying, pleading, bargaining, kind of want. We've been having a couple tricky days around here; today was a particularly difficult one. Amelia letting go of my hand and full on laying down in the middle of the street to throw a tantrum was definitely the cherry on top. Today, I was thankful I didn't have a newborn in my arms. (In fact, today I considered never having another child; giving Amelia up for adoption; locking myself in the bedroom so I could take a nap... nice?) I can't believe I'm admitting these selfish thoughts on a public domain that makes me so vulnerable.

Jeremy came home and I put myself in time-out. Amelia came in shortly to give me a few kisses. Jeremy took us both to feed ducks at the lake, and bought pizza for dinner before I went to young women's.

Thank goodness for these two, they truly are the loves of my life.


  1. I love your honesty! You're definitely not the only one who has these thoughts! You're human and still a good mama! =)

  2. Truth be told, we all have those thoughts and days!! And mommy time out is real and necessary on those days. You're a great mama!!

  3. God made our children so cute because they are the worst! I want to throw Dylan out the window sometimes. I give myself a time out and he calms down, gives me kisses, and we make up. You're human and a wonderful mom!
