Sunday, November 15, 2015


oh man. i was asked to say the opening prayer in sunday school AND relief society today. again! i swear this has happened to me like 5 times! unfortunately i just wasn't in the mood. jeremy took scarlett home right after sacrament and i just wanted to sit in the back and be uplifted in some little way without participating. of course, we had to be social and get together in groups to "translate" verses from the timothy and titus books. which was reeeeeeeeally annoying for me, and i really just felt out of place all day. at the end of class, jamie said something that offered me some comfort. she described an activity in reader's digest, where there was a zoomed in picture and it would seem strange and bizarre, but the next page would be the picture in normal focus and perspective. she correlated this to our gospel, and how when we zoom in to one specific piece, say the new policy on children living with same-sex parents, it can be incredibly confusing. she encouraged us to step back and look at the whole picture, where we see the gospel as a whole, where repentance blesses us, and the atonement is crucial and families are forever and the holy ghost whispers promptings, and maybe He will better explain the little details in His own timing.

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