Tuesday, January 3, 2012

week 16!

This week, Jeremy and I drove down to Manti to visit the temple (this is where this picture was taken!) I feel like since I've found out that I'm pregnant and more so since I've been growing, I have felt way more clumsy and my brain is just not all the way here. i.e. I forgot my phone at Jer's parents house and didn't realize it until we were halfway home (happened on Sunday), or I can't ever remember what I go to the store for, or I feel like I can't express myself as fluently as I use to, or that I totally slipped down three stairs in the temple, with Jeremy holding on to me, and me holding on the rail. yes, story of my life.

This week I've felt more excited (with the baby kicking, looking at more baby items, and counting down to the dr. appt when we find out the sex~ 10 more days!) and more moody (I think Christmas break is driving me crazy!). Everyone has said that I'm definitely beginning to show, so it's nice to show off my tummy. :) I start school next week, and I'm not even sure how I feel about that yet! This post is turning out more random and longer that I want it to be, so I'm going to end it here.


1 comment:

  1. TEN DAYS TEN DAYS TEN DAYS TEN DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
