Sunday, January 15, 2012

you make my heart beat faster

I was orginally going to wait for some pictures to post this blog, but I can already feel the memory slipping through my fingers.

I had my ultrasound this last friday to find the gender of my bebe and it was incredible.

The first ultrasound I had at 8 weeks was pretty life changing. I could barely believe there was actually a lump of cells/parasite/tiny baby bean growing in my uterus! My doc altered a few different angles on the ultrasound to show me a tiny flicker on her chest area, which was her heartbeat. I was still pretty skeptical about the whole thing (funny).

The ultrasound on friday was the same, to the tenth power. I remember waiting in the waiting room and in the exam room for ages of time. and don't get me wrong, I love my doc. I just really don't like to wait. I remember how I wanted to go right to the ultrasound room and discover which sex my baby was. Dr. Thackery definitely played around before showing me the goods. I'm not going to lie, it was great seeing her face, and her belly, and her positioning... and then I saw her heart. I could have sworn that my heart stopped. Four beautiful perfect chambers just pumping blood through her vessels and keeping her alive. Her heart was the most precious thing I could have ever dreamed of. I can still see it now. That flickering on the ultrasound could not have shouted louder to my question,

"why oh why would anyone pick ME to be their mother?"

"BECAUSE WE ARE SOULMATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

and my heart continued to beat.
and I am crying now.


  1. soulmates. :) that's how i feel about my mamma. you're going to be great.

  2. Is that the name of your girl? Are you going to call her Milly?!
