Wednesday, April 29, 2015

scarlett: 4 months old

This girl makes the cutest faces to me all day long and I just fall more and more in love with her. She found her voice this last week and just screeeeeeeeches at the top of her lungs. I think it's adorable, sorry to everyone else... Scarlett always wants to sit up, is hardly ever satisfied laying down unless someone is giving her their full attention. I finally got her on a perfect 3 hour schedule with 5 hour stretches at night and two long naps during the day, but then my body tried to pass a stone and we just focused on staying alive so we're back to square one for now. Scarlett is efficient and impressively nurses for about 5 minutes tops at the time these days, and yells when she's done. I've noticed when she's happy, she's so happy, so smiley, so chill. When she's not happy, you know it too! No teeth yet, but such a drooling machine. Soooo close to rolling over back to front, like she arches her head so far back to see her big sis I can't believe she still hasn't done it yet, I bet she'll do it when she wants to. Scoots on her back in a 360° circle, going round and round. Grabbing at everything and brings them all to her mouth. Jabbers and blows with her lips and squeals and smiles at everyone. Not so much a mommy's girl like Amelia was, but I guess I'll live. Fits into 6 month clothing and size 1 diapers are feeling a bit tight these days! 13 pounds, 2 ounces (39%) and 25.2 inches (84%). We just love you, Scarlett babe!

Have I mentioned these two girls love each other? Amelia always wants Scarlett to be awake; she entertains her, kisses her, protects her, worries about her, loves to make her smile. Scarlett is always staring at Amelia, admires her, giggles at her, follows her, she is always more calm when Amelia is in the room. They truly love each other, and it melts my mama heart so much! I'm so grateful for this love because I was so worried about taking away Amelia's "only child status" and how heartbreaking that is. I feel like she truly understands now how much we love them both, individually and collectively.

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