Monday, April 17, 2017

moab-- day 2: delicate arch

we knew the 3 mile delicate arch hike would be the toughest on the girls, so we got that over with first thing in the morning. i was so proud of both girls-- scarlett hiked for about 1 mile and amelia did the entire hike to and back from the arch. toward the end of the hike, we started finding miniature balancing rocks and amelia loved them and loved making her own! we were all excited when we arrived at the arch and relieved for a break! amelia loved making an arch with her own body and playing too close to the edge of the mountain. we kept scarlett in her backpack to avoid the stress of two little girls running around up there. i actually rolled my ankle and fell on both knees on the way back from the arch, poor me. i'm so glad we were able to do this hike as a family and have so much fun together-- it wasn't an easy feat being 25 weeks pregnant with two young children, but we did it!

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