Wednesday, May 31, 2017


dear evelyn,

i'm so excited for how close we are to meeting you! i smile every time i feel you move, just thinking about how sweet and dear you'll be when we get hold you on the outside. daddy put his hand on my belly the other night, and you reacted by pushing back hard against him. it was a sweet and tender as if you were expressing your love in return-- definitely a moment that i wanted us to remember.

my body has been change as well! i haven't had an extreme appetite, and it feels as if i only remember to eat because it's "mealtime" and haven't really felt hunger like i use to. on a similar note, my weight gain has slowed and even halted these last few weeks? and strangely enough, i found new stretch marks on my abdomen today. it's all part of motherhood and the privilege of housing a healthy baby. i won't pretend that my self-esteem doesn't waver, but i try to focus on the miracle i'm growing inside of me. what a blessing you are! my appointment with dr. thackeray this week revealed that i'm 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced! we're getting closer, but knowing my cervix of steel, you'll stay put until we induce you on july 8th.

love you more than you'll ever know,

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