Friday, April 15, 2011

it was not your fault, but mine.

do you ever feel so inspired and moved that you don't really know where to begin?

today, I feel the need to confess my fear of not acting on my instincts/promptings and the consequences from not touching another's life. Heaven knows I would be in a different place without the great people and influences in my life. Part of me is so scared that some stranger is walking around out there feeling completely empty and hopeless because I didn't reach out to them sometime in my life.

I've been walking around campus with tears in my eyes because that thought has been haunting me. My heart is literally hurting again and I feel sick more than not lately. Has anyone else ever felt this way? "Who are you to be happy when there are so many people still suffering?"

It could be the sleep deprivation and stress finally getting to me.


  1. I was just feeling that way today. But, you of all people should know that you've positively influenced more lives than you could ever begin to imagine. So, don't beat yourself up too much.

    Even just your smile is enough.

  2. Oh my goodness...I really have felt this way countless times. You are awesome, Liana! You are happy and a great example to lots of people. :)
    Love ya! :)

  3. found it! you're a huge influence in countless peoples' lives liana banana. i know you are in mine!!! i love you!
