Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Dear Scarlett,

I can't believe we made it to 39 weeks. I've been praying we'd make it this far, but it's also hard to believe we're actually here! In more dramatic terms, I'm more pregnant than I've ever been in my whole life! There are some moments that my body aches and I feel pretty miserable, but for the most part I'm grateful my body is you cooking so well. I'm definitely feeling better at the end of this pregnancy than I was with my last pregnancy, something I am so thankful for! We're inching close to Christmas Day, and I'm feeling at peace that you will just sleep through the holidays for us! Dr. Thackeray says my cervix is a 2+, maaaaaybe a 3 if he stretches, and that he'd be surprised if you came before Christmas; he guesses you're weighing just under 7 pounds right now, and says he's excited for your birthday! I'm feeling so blessed for this season and all the reminders it has given me about my eternal family. I know I am at a crossroads again, where the next moment will lead to my life being forever changed. I've been a little emotional this week, wondering how things will work out- of course it always does, but it feels strange to be in this moment right before the storm of surprise. I hope we can good earthly parents, teach you all that must know, to live with Him again. I hope you know how much I value this responsibility to be your mother. I hope you will always know and remember the love we have for you, even when we're not perfect. I hope you never forget who you are, and why you came to us. You are a sweet little miracle of love and my heart is pounding as I count down this last week until you join our family!

Love you so,

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