Sunday, October 19, 2014

28 months

Dear Amelia,

I love how these pictures capture your spirit. I love that when you smile, it consumes your entire face. I love when you giggle uncontrollably and it makes you want to attack us with hugs. I love you so dearly. These days, you are becoming more focused, patient and disciplined. You listen more carefully, though you clearly know you are able to make your own decisions. Your favorite songs include ABCs, the "temple song", I am a Child of God, the Isty Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle, the Wheels on the Bus, and the Star Spangled Banner (yes, I know, how do you already know that song?). You often yell, "Millie do it!" when Mom or Dad tries to sing with you. You love to count and point out letters you see (on books, street signs, packages, etc.). You love to ask questions, and you love confirmation from Mom (i.e. "is that temple, mommy?" "is that backhoe, mommy?" " is that miss yolanda, mommy?") You love to run run run. You love to paint, color and get your hands dirty (and wash them). You love to watch us cook, and love to "help" (sneak bites when you think we aren't looking). You love routine: breakfast, reading time, outing, lunchtime, nap, mail/waiting for daddy, playtime, outing with daddy, dinner time, playtime, bedtime. You love to solve things on your own, though I can sense the panic when you are struggling and sometimes have to remind you to ask for help. You love to help clean with wipes, you love to help throw things away, you love to put the dishes away. You love to hustle us into singing you as many songs at bedtime as possible, and you love to crawl into bed with us before 8 AM in the morning. You are still a bit timid with people you don't know well, but you've started to warm up more easily and will at the very least say, "hi" "please" and "thank you". You are very vivacious, but have started learning how to share and return toys after I explain why it is important. You tell me when you need to go potty and poop, and you go gracefully in your potty, though we have not officially potty-trained you. You point to ultrasound pictures, and ask about "baby Scarlett" often, and it makes my mama heart throb. You weigh roughly 24 pounds, wear 18-24 months clothing, and size 4 diapers.

I love you so much,
I'm so grateful to be your mother.

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